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Donate with Patreon
Your donation supports Salt Lake Oasis, creating secular community here in Salt Lake. Your donation covers:
- Facility Rental
- Special Guest Speaker Fees
- Local Musicians performing at Oasis
- Oasis Community Care Response
- Marketing
- Weekly Childcare
- A Salt Lake Oasis Building Fund (est. 2024)
- Oasis Network Support
- Outreach Efforts (Disaster Relief, Student Scholarships)
Salt Lake Oasis is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible. Tax-ID Number (coming soon). We are sincerely grateful for your support.
Legacy Giving
Please consider Salt Lake Oasis in your will, as a beneficiary of your life insurance, investments, or retirement accounts. If you plan to leave a sizeable donation to Salt Lake, please Contact Us. We would like to speak to get to know you and discuss how we can honor your legacy.