—  A Riff on Mothers: Darwin, Hitchens, & McCartney —  Parker Theatre Studio, North Building @ 3601 South State Street

Musician: Jason Fullmer

Main Talk: A Riff on Mothers: Darwin, Hitchens, & McCartney

Come engage with Oasis in person. We look forward to building community together.

 Angie Johnson

Speaker Bio: Angie is an educator, with a background in microbiology and mathematics, and is the founder a of K-9 public charter school in South Jordan, Utah where she serves as an administrator. She has overseen the establishment of Salt Lake Oasis into a thriving secular community. She finds meaning in attempting to give voice to secularism and bridge the religious divide in Utah through civil discourse and genuine relationships.

Find Salt Lake Oasis

Parker Theatre Studio

North Building
3601 South State Street
South Salt Lake, UT 84115