—  Oasis Discussion Group —  Ruth Vine Tyler Library @ 8041 Wood St., Midvale, UT 84047

Please note we're at the Tyler Library in Midvale again!

Salt Lake Oasis discussion group is like a book club, but focused on short content (about an hour long) - such as podcasts, TED Talks, or online articles.

This month we'll discuss logical fallacies.

Discussion Materials:

  1.  Philosophize This podcast episode: How to Win an Argument Part 1 (29 min)
  2.  Philosophize This podcast episode: How to Win an Argument Part 2 (24 min)
  3. LogicalFallacies.org (Written overview, formal and informal, great quick reference)
  4. Skeptics Guide to the Universe Logical Fallacies (Written overview, also a good go-to resource)
  5. University of Oxford Podcast/Presentation Fallacies: Understanding where Arguments go Wrong (1 hr 33 min, so fascinating and helpful though!)

I keep having a hard time only choosing content that is around an hour long, so please listen to &/or read what you can, but still come even if you don't get into the materials at all. We always have a great discussion and learn from each other!

If you have any other media you'd like to add to our conversation, such as books, podcasts, essays, or articles then please share those with the group in the comments of the MeetUp event or in person when we meet.
Alysha is the board member organizing this event, so look for her as a point of contact.

Find Salt Lake Oasis Discussion Group

Ruth Vine Tyler Library Library—Large Meeting Room

8041 Wood St.
Midvale, UT 84047