— Freedom From Religion Foundation: New Utah Chapter — Parker Theatre Studio, North Building @ 3601 South State Street
Musician: TBA
Main Talk: Freedom From Religion Foundation: New Utah Chapter
Come engage with Oasis in person. We look forward to building community together.

Speaker: Doug Hendricks
Bio: Douglas Hendricks is currently spearheading the work to establish a Salt Lake Chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. If all goes well, by the time he speaks to Oasis Salt Lake in March the application process will be complete and the chapter will be official. (He hopes he didn’t just jinx things by saying that.)
Doug expects that most Oasis Salt Lake members are already familiar with what the national office of the FFRF does, and so he plans to only spend a short time talking about that. Most of the presentation will talk about the things that FFRF has been doing specifically in Utah… Doug expects that many people are unaware of this…followed by a two-way discussion about things that FFRF-SLC and Oasis-SLC might possibly do together for our mutual benefit.
A little background info on Doug….
He’s a recently retired engineer/physicist/educator who spends some of his new-found free time volunteering with the Holding Out Help organization, assisting people who need help after escaping from polygamy-based religious cults. When he’s not doing this volunteer work, he travels the world looking for beautiful scenery to photograph or capture on video, or to just gaze at in awe.
Doug was raised in a devout Mormon home, but while in his early twenties he left the church, despite family members pleading with him not to since they were sure that his decision would lead to his eternal damnation. If you’re interested in reading a summary of his Mormon exit story, you can see his profile on the wasmormon.org website (or got to https://wasmormon.org/profile/doug/)
Find Salt Lake Oasis
Parker Theatre Studio
North Building
3601 South State Street
South Salt Lake, UT 84115