— Secular Ethics: Kant's "Formula of Humanity" — Sugar Space @ 132 South 800 West, SLC

Musician: Mark Dee
Main Talk: Secular Ethics: Kant's "Formula of Humanity"
Secular people don’t have an authority or source of truth that we claim to hand us ethics. So, how do secular people explore and develop ethics? In a series of speakers we will examine various approaches to developing secular ethics. Come and be part of the conversation!
Speaker: Elijah Millgram
Speaker Bio: Elijah Millgram is a philosopher with a day job at the University of Utah. The focus of his research interests has been the theory of rationality, that is, what it is to reason correctly. Over the years, he has divided his attention between theoretical reasoning, i.e., figuring out what the facts are, and practical reasoning, that is, figuring out what to do.
In his first book, Practical Induction (Harvard UP, 1997), he argued that we learn what matters from experience, and that consequently one widespread preconception -- that being practically rational has to do solely with effectively pursuing one's desires or ends -- is a mistake. A subsequent book, Hard Truths (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), argued that our reasoning about how the facts stand must often contain steps that we understand to be, not true, but true enough: our inferences incorporate and depend on approximations, idealizations and other forms of partial truth.
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Find Salt Lake Oasis
Sugar Space Art Warehouse
132 South 800 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84104