—  The Benefits of Children's Theatre —  Parker Theatre Studio, North Building @ 3601 South State Street

Musician: Bill McGinnis

Main Talk: The Benefits of Children's Theatre

Come engage with Oasis in person. We look forward to building community together.

 Missy Stebbing

Speaker Bio: When Missy was a 4th grader, back in the nineties, she participated in her very first play.  That sealed the deal and she became a lifelong “theatre nerd”.

Since then, she has played a part in over 30 theatre productions either on stage or behind the scenes. Along with performing, she now teaches children’s theatre classes, and is the Operations Manager of the Parker Theatre. She is lucky to share life with her 4 incredible kids, her husband, and her 6 pets.

Find Salt Lake Oasis

Parker Theatre Studio

North Building
3601 South State Street
South Salt Lake, UT 84115